Writing statement 22/3/10
This writing statement is to put thoughts to words for my upcoming research/writing.
This is a continuance of several threads of interlocking ideas and study..in the footsteps of authors as John Keel, Peter Lavenda, Adam Gorightly, Wiliam Hynek, Alan Moore...Peter Moon, Maury Terry.Jim Marrs. etc An ultimate annotated look at these peculiar forces that shaped American history, from 1945(C)
to 2001, most specifically tfrom the formation of the CIA to the 9/11 attacks at their immediate aftermath.
Also, further researches by Peter Dale Scott and his theory of "Deep Politics" as it pertains to the above. Included in this research is an extensive bibliography and (Hopefully) multi-media
assistance taken from the web.
So initial thoughts as a suggested to-do list. This is simply, again to put thoughts down on paper.
Finish my current reading.
Reread the Sinister forces Trilogy, this time taking copious notes, in whatever format that is easiest.
Lavendas blog should also be utilized and searched frequently.
Divide these notes into subgroups, the likes of which i have already started.
These subgroups should concentrate not only on the main themes of the books, but also upon those subjects which hold the most interest to me personally. This, however,
does not by any means mean that other research should be eschewed or ignored. It is the hope that the following of this "Scarlett trail" will also lead to other avenues of like subject matter, which, in
some cases, it already has.
Explore those internet groups, forums etc, which have reviewed the above authors works...work. some of these reviews can be enlightening to that which these authors may have failed or ignore to
Sort out those websites into bookmarked groups, again after more specific headings. (Eg The Shatterpoints sub-group may become to cumbersome, with many entries, so it would be better to divide these into lesser groups.
It maybe beneficial, after the initial scan and search of notes, to tackle those subjects which have small or limited research capabilities (eg "The Finders" group) This can then be put into an electronic folder and stored on disc till further need. It is also important to realize that further info on these subjects may be forthcoming.
Regarding those subjects which seem the most complex, it is also important to frequently research blogs, forums etc relating to them. This will be the most time consuming part, so converting those comments etc into wordpard documents or saving the page should become routine. .it will be necessary to clearly label these further notes, so as to not lose track of updates, as they may happen, or to straight out print those which add only limited information.
Keep adding to the bibliography of information.
Bookmark those online pages which you find. Any info is good info. If its spends time in the dustbin it will always still be there.
Keep storing these updates at periods onto cd.
Dvd-rom info is also becoming increasingly necessary, to have as an audio visual guide to certain events, people places etc.
Larger subjects will always have to be consistently monitored and added to. They should be accompanied if possible by timelines (To later contribute to an all-encompassing Ultimate time line)
These larger subjects, such as Jfk, the other assassinations of the 60's, serial killing, political corruption, and others would also serve better if they, to are divided into smaller subgroups, with perhaps there own folders inside the main. Nothing should be ignored in these groups, although the Shatterpoints connection should be at the forefront. Even the most irrelevant info, pics etc should be added to the folder.
At the same time as the above, some thinking should be considered as to how this information should best be served. This is the most important and ultimately necessary reason to do the above in the first place.
All options should be considered, although at this time, a series of non fiction history novels, in the vein of James Ellroy or Max Allan Collins, would be the way I'm leaning. This would, of course be to much for one person, so attempts to explore avenues of enlisting aid should be considered. This all depends on my capabilities, strenght and above all, health, going forward.
As stated, this is but a rough draft of a rough draft of rough thoughts that can be synthesized better when health allows. It is a way to get down, as stated, a rough idea of what my ultimate plan is. The creed should be, as it has been, to follow those tenets which are established in the book, mainly the ideas of synchronicity and the belief in magic, as it applies to the above subjects. Any observances made while doing this project would be best to record.
More to follow as my train of thought allows...
Steve Duffy
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