Monday, March 21, 2011

an account

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  • Steven Duffy
    Sorry if this is a long post... explanation....A Shatterpoint is what would best describe an historical event , the causes of which ripple outward to change the fabric of our history, in ways perceived both big and small. But...these events, when looked into deeply enough...(I think Peter Dale Scott's first term, para-politics, applies here better than deep politics)...seemingly, and often randomly, collide and intertwine with later or earlier for a sort of mystical modern synchronicity-a series of events...the understanding of which, I believe, can only be perceived if looked at in a way that does not preclude occult or magical thought.

    I been interested in the phenomenon of synchronicity for about 15 odd years...
    Once while describing it to a friend at work...I explained how some events in history don't seem random, in the sense of the word, but part of a well planned scheme...This is strange to me...(depending on one' religious views, it comes down to whether you believe in "Fortune or "Fate".)..that history itself, or events in history, appear "orchestrated", by whatever forces. I explained to this person to imagine a pond, with a stone being thrown into it, those ripples spreading out to touch other things, shifting the disturbance of the pond. Some historical events a like this.
    During my lunch-break, I went to the bookstore in the centre were I worked. For no real good reason, i was in the science section, which i would normally avoid. On the spine of the book was the Title "There are no Accidents"..I picked it. The subtitle was " Synchronicity in our lives"....take a look at the cover:

    I bought it, and still have it...i showed it to the was in fact, a synchronicity about a synchronicity...

    Since then, I have applied this to my writing and reading/research...My Gut intuition has, constantly, been right. I have had people send me articles, just as i have down loaded them, read passages from some random book which was exactly the type of information i was looking for...other....weird stuff. If i open myself to this, it seems to progress by itself.
    Just the other day..i ordered a book by Jim Houten. After I did, I went to Canadian C's page to see she had posted a message to the same guy...i had no idea they were can prove this by looking at my FB freinds list...I didn't even know he was on FB...
    So, there's that...(I'll add a recent..hours after setting this page up..and putting in the Mason section, Al Tavers posted a video on his page about Sadie Atkins...) There's a sort of "Idea Space" as a British author wrote..were these things are floating about...2 mind apart thinking of the same idea at the same time...but there is a connection between those 2 people...

    I'm looking at that in relation to a certain time period..19-45-to .47 saw the creation of the CIA, The bringing in of Nazis, the flying saucer phenomena took off...Roswell
    Trinity Nuclear explosion happened in 45, Ground Zero. This Century was bought in with a new Ground Zero in New York.
    In the middle, was another trinity...Dealey plaza, with it's Triple underpass, trinity river, laying on the 33rd parallel...See what I mean.
    Another,thing, which starts small, but snowballs... A man named Arthur Young married Ruth Forbes Paine. Arthur young invented the Bell Hellicopter:
    He was also involved in the occult, with eccentric, to say the least...Rocket genius Jack Parsons. Another friend was L Ron Hubbard: Hubbard.
    A strange collection of intelligent, influential men, but who couldn't get enough of...magic, for want of a better term. In the California desert, were 20 odd years later Charles Manson would head into to escape Helter Skelter...
    We know who Hubbard became, influencing Hollywood to this day...But the offspring of Arthur and Ruth would be Michael Paine..and his wife, Ruth...who for some unknown reason struck up a friendship with 2 recently arrived emigrants to Dallas, Texas...Weird huh? What are the odds?
    And people say Ruth was just a honest housewife...

    That is, in a very , very small capsule, one thread, one "Shatterpoint", with those connections spreading out...Lee Oswald...His Marine Base at Atsugi linked to later mind control...Scientology...Manson studied it in jail../mind control/ (Manson victim Sharon Tate spent the last meal with Robert F Kennedy, before his trip to the ambassador hotel, Filmmaker Roman Polanski was there, he would make "Rosemary's baby" at the Dakota building, New york, were John Lennon would be killed, by a mind controlled assassin...
    The recent serial killer dubbed the dating game killer, Rodney Acalca, studied film/photography at one time..under Polanski...(Al, how many murderers do you know. I'd wager Polanski...4...small world)
    Also at Kennedy's final dinner, before he was assassinated by a mind controlled assassin, was John Frankenheimer, who made, at JFK's advice, seven days in may...about a presidential coup (therefore, in a way, predicting his own fate...Frankenheimer made the "Manchurian Candidate" about...well, you already know the answer...Sinatra starred. Sinatra k\left town after the Manson murders...he was one of the celebrities on there Death list...Sinatra and Kennedy and the mob...more Shatterpoints...
    I'll stop there.

    So, These books, if I get to them, and can shape them like I want...will be novels, more than dry academia. Certain areas will require more than one book, certain characters will thread throughout...I see it as like Jazz music in book form, different styles, to capture certain ages, voices etc...I want to have FUN...but have footnotes etc, so people can see it's really is stranger than fiction...
    And f i don't finish it..and it goes to the web, well, it can become a living thing...someone else can take the ball and run with it...but not till I'm good and done.
    Steve There Are No Accidents Synchronicity and the Stories of Our Lives (9780333664612): Robert H. Hopcke: Books
    Share There Are No Accidents Synchronicity and the Stories of Our Lives (9780333664612): Robert H. Hopcke: Books
      • Al Tavers ‎"Manson victim Sharon Tate spent the last meal with Robert F Kennedy, before his trip to the ambassador hotel, Filmmaker Roman Polanski was there..." Now, THAT is freaky. I never knew that. Also, I have always subscribed to the idea that there is no such thing as "coincidence," and that EVERYTHING happens for a reason. We may not see those reasons as being readily evident. Sometimes they come to mind later. IDK about anyone else, but I - pretty often, actually - experience "Deja Vu."
        January 28 at 11:12pm · · 1 personLoading...
      • Esther Howes according to several books I have read Ruth Paine was CIa.
        February 11 at 11:07pm ·
      • Diane Holiday I'm making the simplest of analogies here; Shatterpoints, like ' corn 'manifests into so many apparently unrelated things: Grits, bread, cereal, Moon Shine, and then some.
        February 12 at 2:46am · · 2 peopleLoading...
      • Ted Rubinstein Do you mean Jim Hougan? Is the Bush/Hinckley connection synchronicity? There was also some Colorado links to that case that seemed serendipitous. @Esther: check out Ruth Paine's links to the Contra support network.
        February 12 at 2:47am · · 1 personLoading...
      • Al Tavers OMG! See that? Now, that's why you've seen me say, sarcastically, things like "good little Quaker" and such, about her. Every single time I have seen her being questioned about the assassination, the Oswalds - ANY OF IT - she always appears to me to know more than she's telling. Now, I DON'T hate the woman. I really don't. The reason I don't is because God only knows just what the hell "they" may have threatened her with, too.
        February 12 at 7:56am ·
      • Al Tavers Ted - I'm confused. "Contras" as in the Cuban, Central American and other stuff going on at that time - or also contras, as in all the way up to Iran-Contra and all of that?
        February 12 at 7:58am · · 1 personLoading...
      • Esther Howes yes please elaborate? about Contras!
        February 12 at 8:04am ·
      • Ted Rubinstein I may have that slightly garbled and someone should look it up. As i recall she infiltrated a group supporting the Sandinistas. They were very suspicious of her but I don't recall whether she was actually exposed for spying on them. Maybe CISPES? But the latter involved El salvador not Nicaragua. As i say this info may be garbled but I'm in the right ballpark...
        February 12 at 8:52am · · 1 personLoading...
      • Ted Rubinstein All of this was in the Reagan era.
        February 12 at 8:55am · · 1 personLoading...
      • Ted Rubinstein Remember Reagan calling the murderous, drug-dealing Contras "freedom-fighters" Just like Orlando Bosch, Bush's favorite terrorist...
        February 12 at 8:56am · · 1 personLoading...
      • Ted Rubinstein I should say Bosch, Posada and Felix Rodriguez
        February 12 at 8:58am · · 1 personLoading...
      • Tom Hanford Steve, have you heard of Ralph Epperson's 'The Unseen Hand'? Somewhat similar concept♦
        February 12 at 11:26am · · 2 peopleLoading...
      • Al Tavers ‎@Steve - yeah, but what's the group about? hahahahahaha
        February 12 at 12:18pm ·
      • Al Tavers ‎@Ted - Yep - so, yes - continuing well after 11/22 - way into at least as far as the Reagan presidency... (excuse me while I vomit)
        February 12 at 12:20pm ·
      • Al Tavers Oops - Tom's here. He's gonna say that I'm stringing up that 'ol Reagan pinata again! LOL
        February 12 at 12:21pm ·
      • Ted Rubinstein Does Tom like RR?
        February 12 at 12:26pm ·
      • Tom Hanford
        Gratuitous bashthreads are fitting for a one-sided argument, and it can be good fun; but it almost always quickly degrades to genuinely pernicious comments like 'Hope he burns/rots in Hell!', or 'Yeah that's Poppy in Dallas alright- they sh...ot the wrong President that day, that fucktard!!'
        Meanwhile these same geniuses went with the media LIE to blame Palin and the TEA party for the Tuscon shootings, based on a climate of 'hateful right-wing vitriol' and a stupid map that the guy never saw♦
        Does anyone else find this duplicitous-?
        See More
        February 12 at 1:42pm ·
      • Ted Rubinstein I've posted quite a bit about Palin and the shootings. Bottom line: she brought the PR debacle on herself with her highly insensitive response, lack of empathy and insistence that it's all about her. She was advised how to rise above it but she paid no heed.
        February 12 at 1:56pm ·
      • Ted Rubinstein ‎"Blood libel", etc.
        February 12 at 1:57pm ·
      • Ted Rubinstein Not much of a tribute there. At any rate I prefer Ron Jr.
        February 12 at 2:01pm ·
      • Tom Hanford
        By my chonology, the PR debacle started with Sheriff Dupnik blaming 'talk radio', blahblah within hours after the shooting, instead of doing his job. If you've posted quite a bit, then I hope you've read quite a bit also about how the TP kn...ew about Laughner; had threats on file from him specific to Giffords ('Die, bitch!'); all this and more, yet they didn't have one officer there to protect her or anyone else. Meanwhile, Palin had not yet said a word, and they learned the guy was a bonafide nut (as opposed to the LHO variety).There's your PR debacle♦
        What would you do if you were speciously being accused of accessory to murder? True, 'Blood libel' not the wisest choice of words- but that's what it was. I am not defending her as a politician, I'm saying that was a hitpiece that was beyond any measure of reason♦
        See More
        February 12 at 2:19pm ·
      • Ted Rubinstein It's not a question of how it started. It's where she took it. She had no radio show but was on TLC and guess what? They then cancelled the show despite high ratings.
        February 12 at 2:23pm ·
      • Tom Hanford Poor Steve- here we go 'waxing irrelequent' again... he must be ready to take an axe to his computer! If we don't cease and desist, he just might make an ASS* outta US!
        *American Shatterpoint Synchronicity
        February 12 at 2:23pm ·
      • Tom Hanford Hmmm- a new JFK page, 'Waxing Irrelequent'?
        February 12 at 2:25pm ·
      • Steven Duffy The conversations healthy, debates good....
        February 12 at 5:31pm ·
      • Steven Duffy Diane:, excellent anology....I looking at hows tending those corn crops....
        February 12 at 5:33pm ·
      • Steven Duffy
        ‎@Esther, Ruth is a major figure...much as shown above, stems from her and her family, also the Great white Baron, DeMohrenschildt. @Ted: yes! the the Bush/Hinckley connection is a major synchronicity...@ Tom....because of the way I'm some of these figures as "Factional" characters...they won't always represent how others perceive them....anyone with really strong political views should now that they will be presented how i represent them...according to story needs....JFK won't be a SEX FREAK, but nor will George Bush be an out right POND SCUM PEDERAST....the story makes very few distinctions between politicians in least that's what I'm hoping, they all live in a slightly grey world...The 1980's, as far as research goes, is so far the least explored area...just can't get past those 60's styles and 70's excesses...See More
        February 12 at 5:43pm · · 1 personLoading...
      • Andrea Skolnik The Information regarding Ruth Paine is in the section of this page titled Ruth Paine in the 90s
        February 12 at 5:55pm ·
      • Andrea Skolnik
        Sue Wheaton, an assassination researcher who also works with the Office of Aging in Washington D.C. In 1991, she and her husband, an Episcopalian priest, were part of the progressive relief effort in Nicaragua. In the course of this work, W...heaton chanced to meet Ruth Paine at a Quaker group. After confirming that she was the same Ruth Paine from the assassination saga---a fact that she admitted only reluctantly---Ruth told Sue Wheaton that the Quaker group was funded primarily by six wealthy conservative individuals from the Southeast...

        "It was curious to Wheaton that conservative individuals would want to support humanitarian aid to Nicaragua, especially during the previous Contra war. Ruth's particular group also ran a sawmill [?] project on the eastern coast of Nicaragua, a Contra holdout and a nexus of CIA-based activity. Recall the Lake Pontchartrain gang outside of New Orleans, whose cover was operating a lumber mill as well.

        "Ruth Paine showed up at one of Sue Wheaton's council meetings of the anti-Contra group, of which pro-NICA was a part. According to Sue Wheaton---and this is quoting Sue directly, from some correspondence she shared with us---
        See More
        February 12 at 5:55pm ·
      • Andrea Skolnik
        Quoting Sue Wheaton...I myself did think that Ruth was taking down information about Americans in Nicaragua, who opposed U.S. policies there. She constantly wrote down the names of individuals and organizations. Her project---that is, Ruth'...s project---sent a letter to all of the U.S. peace organizations which visited Nicaragua, encouraging them to stay at the Quaker hospitality house. Someone told me that Ruth studied the bulletin board there, copying down everything that was on it. Also, Ruth made reference to people she knew in the U.S. embassy. Most of us---[that is, people that Sue associated with]---did not know any people in the embassy, as we associated it with policies we abhorred.See More
        February 12 at 5:57pm ·
      • Andrea Skolnik
        Sue Wheaton goes on to recount how Ruth and an associate of Ruth's by the name of John [Reese?] attended several meetings of a Solidarity Committee...while there, Ruth took copious notes, and another friend of Ruth's, by the name of Sean Mi...ller, made several tape recordings and took photographs. Ruth claimed that the photographs were being taken for the Nicaraguan Network in Washington, D.C. Later, when a friend of Sue Wheaton's checked with the Nicaraguan Network, the network claimed that they had not commissioned anyone to take pictures in Nicaragua. Thus the explanation given by Ruth Paine as to why her associate was taking pictures of members of the U.S. community in Nicaragua was false." "Ruth is now living in St. Petersberg, Florida," Hewett said. "She's been divorced from Michael for quite some time. She's active with a Quaker group there in St. Petersberg.See More
        February 12 at 5:57pm ·
      • Andrea Skolnik Hope that helps Esther
        February 12 at 5:57pm · · 1 personLoading...
      • Steven Duffy Priceless info, Andrea. The Quaker connection in Evica's "A Certain Arrogance" and The Schweitzer college were he applied is also a strange connection...I know William Kelly has posted much on this....I have to reread Armstong's work in full, again, but I'm interested in his claims, through Robert Webster,that Marina new and spoke English quite well went he first met her, and in subsequent "Meetings"...if so...
        February 12 at 6:00pm ·
      • Al Tavers ‎"Pious" little QUACKER is more like it.
        February 12 at 6:03pm ·
      • Andrea Skolnik
        I can not recall where I read it because it was ages ago but I do remember George de Mohrenschildt discussing Marina's first meeting with Ruth Paine and he said that Ruth asked for an introduction and in his words MADE A BEE LINE for Marina.... This phrase was often used when I was young by my grandmothers sisters and it means To move swiftly in a direct, straight course.
        [From the belief that a bee returns to its hive in a straight course.] I have always had that image of Ruth whenever I think of her. The other image is of her lie as to what she said when the police came to her door and yet again how utterly cooperative she always was just happening to come up with just whatever they needed it at times before investigators even knew they needed it. If it put Oswald in a bad light SHE had it either odd throw away memory or little but of misplaced forgotten evidence laying around her garage after it had been thoroughly searched. Do I believe Ruth is CIA ? You bet my sweet ass I do.
        See More
        February 12 at 7:33pm · · 1 personLoading...
      • Ted Rubinstein Thanks for giving us the straight skinny on Ruth and the Nicaraguan support movement that I was sketchy on. I'm wondering if her pal that was mentioned was John Rees who is somewhat famous as a left-wing activist (see Wikipedia) Probably not but if he was he may have been fooled by her. I remember he was a favorite target of the LaRouche crowd probably due to his British origins.
        February 13 at 3:57pm ·
      • Ted Rubinstein
        I wish I hadn't bothered with this John Rees because it's really confusing but potentially important. There seem to be 2 guys named John Rees-- one a left wing Brit and one-time Trotskyist. The other is an infamous character who denounced... and was denounced by LaRouche(who called him Mossad and so on) He was lauded in the Congressional Record by Larry MacDonald for his role exposing leftists and Communists. This guy ties in with the whole Western Goals, Information Digest, Bircher private intell. network that Mae so often broadcasted about. The CR entry found on Google is very interesting for the background. So the question is: which one was Ruth Paine palling around with or was it neither of them?See More
        February 13 at 4:22pm · · 1 personLoading...
      • Ted Rubinstein I think we can agree it couldn't have been the right-wing journalist/spy lauded by Larry Macdonald. He was too infamous by then and for Ruth to be in his company would be way too obvious.
        February 13 at 4:43pm · · 1 personLoading...
      • Steven Duffy bump for anyone..
        February 24 at 6:57pm ·
      • Ted Rubinstein Are you familiar w/ an Aussie journalist named John Jiggens? I have a synchronicity thing with him...
        February 25 at 3:14am ·
      • Steve Salken ‎@Steven: You might be interested in two books I've read, one on synchronicity that I believe is fiction, although it looks to be presented as fact, "The Celestine Prophesy" by James Redfield (a fun read ) and another by A. Ralph Epperson called "The Unseen Hand" that explains what he understands to be the forces behind the government that move policy in governments. I found both books very good and I think, if you haven't read them, look for them.
        February 25 at 6:31am · · 1 personLoading...
      • Tom Hanford Both good books Steve- I've already recommended Epperson's book to Steven. Btw, Ralph will respond to queries♦
        February 25 at 8:03am ·
      • Steve Salken I have Mr Epperson on my f/b although I don't believe i've ever seen him post anything
        February 25 at 8:10am ·
      • Steven Duffy Ted, no I haven't....? And I have the "Unseen Hand", thanks Steve and Tom! The Celestine Prophecy, I've heard an awful lot was quite well received when it came out, if I remember....
        February 25 at 10:30am ·
      • Steven Duffy bump.
        March 5 at 3:12pm ·

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