Monday, March 21, 2011


Press Shift+Enter to start a new line.Andrea Skolnik
Didn't know where to put these I hate the new groups without the discussion tabs but thought you might be interested , Gareth Penn was known for being among the first non-journalists to write about the Zodiac case also included is a forum thread started by someone named Zamantha that claims that Penn asked them to post his message. That message includes the name Marshall Kilduff...If that name sounds familiar it is because you are recalling Malcolm Kilduff White House Press Secretary who announced JFKs death ...Not sure if Marshall is related but he is a writer that wrote often about Jonestown...small world aint it.
Gareth Sewell Penn (born 1941 in Carmel, California) is an American true crime author and amateur detective known for being among the first non-journalists to write about the famous Zodiac Killer case. He published a theory about the killer's motives, publicly accused a noted UC Berkeley public poli

    • Steven Duffy excellent..I'm aware of Zamantha, also...I'll have a look into the Kilduff area..this is exactly what I'm after..exactly....Thank you!...
      March 9 at 8:47pm ·
    • Andrea Skolnik I thought of you when I was saving the tabs I figured if I posted them here you could just put them where you want them.
      March 9 at 8:49pm ·
    • Al Navis Could Marshall be Malcolm's son? "Mac" Kilduff was born in 1927 and died at the age of 75 in 2003 so having a son in 1949 is plausable but I can't get any personal details about "Mac" even from Arlington Cemetary. I haven't spent a greast deal of time on it but maybe one of you can do some checking?
      March 10 at 1:08am ·
    • Andrea Skolnik I have not been able to find that connection as yet but Kilduff is not a very common name from my searches so far.
      March 10 at 1:10am ·
    • Al Navis Me neither but at least the dates make that relatioinship plausable.
      March 10 at 1:14am ·
    • Steven Duffy It would be another interesting thread....The Zodiac case already has the connection with Melvin Belli.. I'll dig out a rambling missive someone wrote...not Zodiac..but similar writing style...mentioning Jack Ruby...
      March 10 at 1:38pm ·
    • Steven Duffy similar Z handwriting, postmarked from California....lots of hoax letters out there, but interesting.
      March 10 at 1:45pm ·
    • Andy Colvin Belli must have known something...
      March 10 at 5:52pm ·
    • Andrea Skolnik
      A week after authorities charged Manson and his associates for the Tate-LaBianca murders, rioting erupted during the Rolling Stones’ performance at the Altamont Free Concert. Melvin Belli, Jack Ruby’s former attorney, arranged for the Hells... Angels to provide security, for reasons unknown. After all, the Angels are noted shitkickers, not peacekeepers. The Angels' unsuitability and bellicosity resulted in the death of four of the concertgoers, one of whom drowned in a puddle of water, and two who got run over by a car. As chronicled in the movie Gimmie Shelter, a number of Hells Angels pummeled Meredith Hunter to death in full view of the band and cameras. Media coverage of the incident left an impression of the counterculture that contradicted the peaceful proceedings at Woodstock four months earlier. More
      March 17 at 6:52pm ·
    • Andrea Skolnik
      Manson, a prisoner actively contesting his parole in 1966, received a visit from George Shibley, a noted lawyer with a track record of high-profile cases: from the Zoot Suit Murder to his representation of Sirhan Sirhan. At the time of Mans...on’s impending release, he had a rather comfortable legal practice in Beverly Hills, representing a host of wealthy clients, among them powerful oil companies. Manson, meanwhile, was simply another ex-con up for parole. Moreover, Manson didn’t even want the parole, and attempted to fight it. Mae posed the question of why would someone that high up the food chain take the time to consult with Manson pro bono, since Manson had neither fame nor infamy in 1966.See More
      March 17 at 6:53pm · · 1 personLoading...
    • Andrea Skolnik
      Manson wasn’t the only person to receive attention from high-powered, well-connected Beverly Hills attorneys. David DeLoach, a powerful man within California GOP circles, and his partner Perry Walshin risked jail time to defend Watson. More... interestingly, they claimed at the time of Watson’s arrest that they had had approximately forty consultations with the young Texan. Again, Mae wondered why such prominent attorneys would defend Watson, especially since he had nothing more serious than a single marijuana possession charge against him. Moreover, high-powered attorneys don’t come cheap. Who paid these guys?See More
      March 17 at 6:53pm · · 1 personLoading...
    • Steven Duffy that's a great blog, Andrea...and brilliant info...
      March 17 at 7:23pm ·
    • Andy Colvin
      In the 1975, two dozen bodies were found in a cave near the scene of the Mothman events, according to John Keel. Still trying to figure out who did it, as Keel didn't leave many clues in his public statements. Perhaps the Zodiac was respons...ible, or perhaps the Ferrie/Crisman team, or perhaps Mansonites. One of my theories is that Manson's dad was Justice Francis Biddle of Nuremberg fame. They look a lot alike, and that would match allusions Manson has made. It might explain why Manson was in suit-and-tie and in the newspaper when he went off to Boystown. Watson's dad was a Dallas cop, so there may be a JFK connection there. And of course the Jonestown organizers were also from WV originally. The oil company lawyering makes sense, since Manson worked for the local Sunoco station in my neighborhood. Again, could be Bushefeller related...See More
      March 17 at 7:33pm ·
    • Steven Duffy That claim has always interested me, and he mentioned it in an Fortean times article there any documentation from the time?...any newspapers accounts?...he seems to treat it as an aside....I like to see more details....
      March 17 at 7:36pm ·
    • Andy Colvin The answer would probably chart a whole new area of research, and blow a lot of the assassination stuff wide open. Just a hunch...
      March 17 at 7:38pm ·
    • Andrea Skolnik If there were any newspaper links they would be in the files of Mae but good luck getting access to them.
      March 17 at 7:39pm ·
    • Andy Colvin Keel's stuff was taken to a niece's place in Florida, I think. In his latter days, the loop closed and information became hard to get. Figures...
      March 17 at 7:41pm ·
    • Steven Duffy
      Damn shame, you'd think there were be local coverage..I've always suspected it as an urban legend....BTW...I'm in contact with a friend of Dave Seely, someone I hadn't heard of, but he authored the book "Project Artichkoke"..and tries to ti...e Zodiac in with the RFK assassination....very, very feebly (ie Darlene Ferrin was the girl in the polka dot have to take his word....)..the book is really rushed....and info on Seely is limited (he died before publication)...but the friend has given me some interesting tidbits...i'm interested in mind control in the Sunol area of California..and Livermore labs...See More
      March 17 at 7:45pm ·
    • Andrea Skolnik There might be stuff available on old microfiche somewhere in some library most libraries are trying to get this old stuff online but it is a slow process.
      March 17 at 7:45pm ·
    • Steven Duffy sorry for spelling errors...heads in a bad spot tonight...get back into it tomorrow...Thanks for being involved...great info from all...
      March 17 at 7:46pm ·
    • Andrea Skolnik I am only a few hours from Point Pleasant I have been to that bridge. I will check and see if I can get anything from their libraries transfered to mine There might be something in the bordering town libraries just as you get out of Virginia into Ohio. Most smaller libraries do not keep many years back on newspapers they do not have the room but some have started scanning them in and saving them that way.
      March 17 at 7:50pm ·
    • Andrea Skolnik
      The Ed Butler Manson/Oswald connection has always interested me too.. He just so happens to be the one that puts Oswald "No, I am not a Communist," "I am a Marxist, but not a Marxist-Leninist on the radio thus cementing his image to the pu...blic knowing full well even back then the importance of soundbites ( intelligence studied media effects) They understood that the public would just hear the words communist marxist and Lenin and it wouldn't matter it is not like they were going to pick up a book and learn a definition after all Allen Dulles counted on that when he wrote that report. Then good old Ed in another lovely stroke of fate just so happens to write the first articles about the Tate killings blaming the Black Panthers...mmmmmSee More
      March 17 at 8:01pm · · 1 person

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